Monday, June 3, 2013

The Discussions of Facebook!

Seen this week on the Discussions of Facebook: Caitlyn posts and hosts a discussion of love poetry and its influence on the young mind. Does it fail or succeed?

I say SUCCESS.  I actually received some really great feedback and had some very interesting discussions with a few FB friends.  It got pretty real towards the end.

My topic of love poetry and its effects on love is pretty universal because everyone has an opinion of love.  I had to informalize my thesis to appeal to the internet world and it worked well enough.  Here is what I posted:
I think that I could have made it less academic feeling, but I'm satisfied with the responses I got.  The more specific questions led the discussion in the right direction and after someone would comment, I would respond with more questions to keep it fueled.  I was able to see certain faults of my thesis. For example, the use of the phrase "sophisticated mind" vs. "more mature/experienced."  The first definitely came off too snobby and someone else's comment helped me realize that.  The entire post ended up with 1268 words in 15 comments.   

Towards the end, we started discussing if it's better to be cynical and on guard concerning love, or more open yet naive.  This is when we had a short feelings circle and more importantly, I was able to understand a few people a little better.  We discussed a lot of points that I had not thought of yet and I'm sure that some will make their way into my final paper!

Here are screenshots of the convo:

1 comment:

  1. Whoa. Hilary Packham. Sharp chick.

    I like what she said about Laura being a character created as a metaphor for the fluctuating nature of love. And lust.

    I want to know, then what you've decided on for your final thesis? Or at least what it has been whittled down to.
