Thursday, June 6, 2013


This past week I have been reading Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, who is also the author of Into Thin Air and Under the Banner of Heaven.  Krakauer is a well known writer focusing on the Sub-genre of outdoor and climbing non-fiction.  His work has been very successful, with three bestsellers, a big studio film adaptation, and many T.V. features and adaptations as well. 

Into the Wild is one of the first non-fiction novels about a subject that I was unfamiliar with that really interested me.  It follows the "big adventure" of Christopher McCandless's adventure to live in the wild of Alaska.  After four months after entering into the wild, he was found dead in 1992 by starvation in an abandoned bus.  I have read several music and film non-fictions/biographies, most of which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I can partly blame the enjoyment on my enthusiasm for the subject.  Into the Wild is an outdoors book at first glance, and I do enjoy the outdoors, but would not usually seek out on my own.  After reading, I realized that it was not at all about the technical or literal aspects of being outdoors, but rather why McCandless loved being on his own, depending on essentially nothing material.
Chris McCandless in the Alaskan wild

Krakauer cites several philosophers/writers such as Thoreau, Jack London, and Tolstoy as McCandless's "influences".  One can conclude from Krakauer's writing that these men were much more than just influences.  He lived by their beliefs; they are what fueled him in seeking out adventure and a minimalist, yet fulfilling life.  It's a fantastic read if you haven't already checked it out.  I am a big fan of the film as well.

Into Thin Air is another worth while read of Krakauer's.  I can confidently conclude that an essential reason why I love his work, which has become its own form of subgenre, is due to his exploration of what fuels people to do seemingly crazy things.  After reading his novels, I UNDERSTAND why.  That's what I LOVE; being able understand people and their decisions, who principally seem out of their mind crazy.  Not only do I understand them, but I as well become fueled by their beliefs and passions and play them into my own life.  I can honestly say that Into Thin Air and Into the Wild have changed my views on life for the better. 

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of McCandless and his lifestyle. It is interesting he was influenced by Thoreau, London, and Tolstoy, all influential people. Your post has made me interested in what he has to say.
