Saturday, May 25, 2013

The power of sequence and music.

The way a scene or play is presented can dramatically (no pun intended) alter the way it's received.  Will it be interpreted as funny, scary, sad, or contentious?  The director has the ability to tack any one of those adjectives--and certainly more--to his play by changing the pace of the line exchanges, the music that accompanies them, and the way that the characters speak.  

That's why I think scripts are meant to be analyzed as a performance, rather than simply on a page as a process of wording or spelled-out emotion.  Some would beg to differ in cases of Shakespeare and the like, but.  I prefer to think that--were they here to speak a preference--they would like their works to be seen on the stage, rather than read on a page.  

Here's The Notebook, re-stitched as a horror trailer.  Brilliant, really.  

1 comment:

  1. Chilling!!! I think I'm too chicken to see the re-stitched version. The music had a definite presence in the trailer, so I'm sure it will in the movie.
